This coming Monday, March 7th, we’ll be releasing Genesis 2.2.7 to fix some issues with WordPress compatibility, as well as fix an issue with term meta performance.
UPDATE: To give developers more time to prepare their plugins and sites, we will NOT be introducing the breaking change, outlined below, in Genesis 2.2.7. Instead, we will push it to Genesis 2.3.0. Genesis 2.2.7 will still release on Monday, March 7th, to address other bugs.
If you have built a plugin that relies on the Genesis term meta system in order to function, it’s incredibly important that you prepare your plugin for Genesis 2.2.7 2.3.0. If your plugin relies on Genesis to store and serve term meta, you will very likely receive messages from your users saying that it’s no longer working.
Continue Reading →about Important Announcement for Genesis Plugin Developers